Thanks to the tireless work and generous support of so many, our project, Una Voz para las Niñas de Hoy, Un Futuro para las Mujeres del Mañana, launches tomorrow with the Tulum premiere of No Culpes a La Noche.
The play, written for young audiences by Enrique Olmos de Ita, tells the story of a teenage girl who wants to have a boyfriend. Her father fears for her safety as he looks back and remembers his own violent past and what he once did to his own former girlfriend. With moments of comedy and teen-age relevance, the play leads adolescents to reflect on violence in relationships and how they must prevent abuse before it starts.

Immediately following the play will be an interactive session between the students and actors, opening up a discussion about the choices they have and actions they can take to have healthy and happy relationships in their own lives. Also they will have the opportunity to take a personal questionnaire to help identify if they are living with any type of violence. In the interactive session the students will be provided with contact information of professionals and specialists who can help.
Over the next two days this project will reach over 400 students, plus members of their family and communities. Tomorrow, May 24th we will have presentations at Telesecundaria Erick Paolo Martínez in Tulum at 10am and 4pm. On Wednesday, May 25th at 12:00pm we will present the play and interactive session in Chemuyil at Secundaria Eleuterio Llanes.
Stay tuned for exciting updates in the coming days, and be sure to "Like" our Facebook Page (click this link: https://www.facebook.com/rotaryclubtulum) so you don't miss a thing!
As always, we thank you for supporting the Tulum Rotary Club!
