Yaxche is a Mayan Village located 2 hours northwest of Tulum. Before COVID-19, we used to visit the village each quarter to offer assistance where needed.
Upon our return in December 2019, we were saddened to see the impact of the lack of resources on their Medical Clinic. It has fallen off of the radar of the Municipality and a visiting doctor visits 2 days per month. Typically, there is a Doctor finishing their residency that works at the clinic more consistently. The tiny Medical Clinic had bare shelves, a broken sink, a damaged roof, no running water, and no AC or ceiling fans.
Through our outreach, and the generosity of many Rotary supporters, the shelves are now nearly full of medications and medical supplies!
And with the generous donation recently made by Charles Brown and his wife Anne Eubank, we will now be able to repair the plumbing and roof and purchase a new sink, ceiling fans, and linens. Shortly, the local residents of Yaxche will perform all of the repairs and install the new equipment! The mothers in the community will take on the responsibility of washing the linens to ensure there are clean, sanitary sheets and towels at all times.
Then, we will continue to request medicines and medical supplies to ensure the residents of this special village get access to quality healthcare far into the future!
How can you help? Gather together OTC and Rx medicines, as well as medical supplies, no longer needed. Or stop by any Farmacia Similares on Monday to get a 25% discount. Let them know you are purchasing to donate to Tulum Rotary and they might even give you an additional discount!
Once you've got a sizeable stash gathered, then reach out to us and we'll arrange to pick it up from you.
Thanks for your continued support of this important initiative!