A Voice for Girls Today,
A Future for Women Tomorrow
Fundraiser goes live on Tuesday, March 8th!

A social project instilling in girls the importance of self-esteem,
of their own power in a relationship, and the ability to say “NO!”
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography in Mexico (INEGI)
66.1% of all women aged 15 and older have experienced some kind of violence in their lives.
49% have suffered from emotional violence
41.3% have suffered from sexual violence
34% have suffered from physical violence
29% have suffered from emotional-patrimonial violence or discrimination
Of all women who were assaulted in some form, 78.6% of them have not sought help or reported their attacks to authorities.
Sadly, new legislation and policies to decrease violence against women in Mexico are not properly enforced and crimes still go unpunished. We as a community must fight for new solutions to help put an end to this national crisis.
Targeting young people between the ages of 11 and 18, this 6 month project consists of a touring theater production and a series of supportive outreach programs.

No Culpes a la Noche is a play for young audiences, telling the story of a teenage girl who wants to have a boyfriend. Her father fears for her safety as he looks back and remembers his own violent past and what he once did to his own former girlfriend. With moments of comedy and teen-age relevance, the play leads adolescents to reflect on violence in relationships and how they must prevent abuse before it starts.
It will be presented in three educational spaces in different communities in Quintana Roo, and following each performance, the young audience members participate in a Q & A discussion and learn about who they can turn to if they need help.
Outreach Programs include inspiring real life video testimonials of women who have experienced partner violence, specialist-led sessions on social skills and self-esteem, and social media content sensitizing the population to issues of gender violence in relationships.

Mark your calendar- our online fundraiser launches on HIPGive.org in 2 DAYS!
When you make your contribution on TUESDAY, MARCH 8th, HIPGive.org will match up to $150 per donor, so your support at any level will help us reach our $4,000 goal!
Stay tuned as the countdown continues...
We'll be sending you more exciting info about this project
and the link to our fundraising page once it goes LIVE!